The 3rd symposium on “Digitalization and Technology in Care” took place on April 5, 2017 at Haidenauplatz 1 in 81667 Munich. After the extremely positive feedback to our first two symposia, we want to further deepen the topic. We are particularly pleased that once again MDK Bayern and VDE Bayern were our cooperation partners and HCM – the Health & Care Management magazine our media partner. You can find the results here
In the discussion round, moderated by Dr. Bernd Wiemann, Minister of State Melanie Huml fielded questions from nursing practice, including Anke Franke, director of the Maria-Martha-Stift and the Protestant Diakonie in Lindau. (Image source: Health&CARE Management)
In a technology tour, the Minister of State will be presented, among other things, the telemedicine system COMES from SW-Haus Zuleger, image source: Health&CARE Management).
Digitization and technology of care
Digitization and technology are important fields of action for coping with the increasing tasks in nursing. There are already good and proven tools in daily care work. New buzzwords such as e-health, smart home, digital rescue and ambient assisted living (AAL) are currently doing the rounds. But how are they being adopted?
In order to use the modern aids, decision-makers and caregivers need to be trained in their use. In many places, more technology and digitization are met with reservations and rejection by those in need of care and caregivers alike. Such stumbling blocks must be taken seriously and taken into account, especially in innovations and the further development of technical aids by engineers and technicians.